Capital Campaign
It is a time of great excitement for Sacred Heart Parish. By launching this Capital Campaign “Our Time, Our Community, Our Future,” we are pursuing the evangelical mission of Sacred Heart.

Our excitement flows from the reality that we are literally building upon a shared heritage – a shared faith – and in today’s world, finding commonality is anything but common.
This Campaign affords us the opportunity to revitalize our Parish in a variety of ways, from the way we worship God in the Holy Mass to the way we form our children. It will enable us to proclaim our Catholic Faith to the world and honor the legacies of those who have come before us in establishing, cultivating, and protecting this vibrant Parish community. It will create a renewed soil from which roots may grow that will stay strong for generations to come.
Our campaign brochure describes our plan in much detail, but our best laid plans are only that — words on a page — without your financial help. In writing this, I’m reminded of a quote by Fr. Henri Nouwen, “Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with us in our vision and mission.” I ask that you prayerfully consider joining us through your financial support. I pray that through this Campaign, our Parish may more deeply participate in a shared vision and mission, which is always to bring others more deeply into a relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May His Providence, together with the prayers of Our Lady and Our Patron, St. Joseph, bless you and this Campaign abundantly. Know of my prayers for you. I am sincerely grateful for your support of this Campaign.
This is our time, our community, and our future!
– Fr. Joe Keating, Pastor

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