Music Ministry
The liturgical music program of Sacred Heart Catholic Church is designed to offer a solid and enriching Catholic musical prayer form to the parish community. The music ministry specializes in the repertoire of chanted propers in English/Latin, Gregorian chant, polyphony, oratorios, major choral works, traditional hymnology and contemporary hymnology that’s aligned with Catholic doctrine.
Our church music ministry offers:
Sacred Heart Mixed Choir
- A mixed choir open to community members ages 15 and older
- Rehearses Monday evenings at 7 pm and sings for the 10:30 am Mass every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday of the month
Sacred Heart Parish Children’s Choir and Youth Choir
- Children’s Choir is open to children in grades 2 – 7
- Youth Choir open to teens in grades 8 – 12
- Both choirs rehearse every Wednesday at 3:45 pm and sing at 5 pm Mass every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month
- Contact Mary Del Olmo at 603.377.0595 or email marydelolmo@
gmail. com for more information
St. Gregory the Great Schola Cantorum
- An all male choir open to ages 18 and older
- Rehearses Tuesday evenings at 7 pm and sings once a month at the 8 am Sunday Mass
- Open to community members ages 14 and older
- Cantors have complimentary training to sing strongly and independently for Masses throughout the Liturgical Year
- Strings, Brass, Keyboard and Woodwinds
Most of our music ministries participate in some way every weekend throughout the year as well as for special liturgies

Sacred Heart Strings
- Orchestra open to 5th – 12th grade students and their parents, led by Cathy Strabala
- Year-round program with three trimesters: Jan – Apr, May – Aug and Sept – Dec
- Beginner rehearsals are held at SHCS from 6:00 – 6:45 pm on Tuesdays
- Intermediate students meet Tuesday evenings from 6:45 – 8:15 pm
- Group performs at community celebrations, serenades residents of local elder facilities ,and plays for family and friends throughout the year
- Costs:
- Students: $75 per trimester with a 1-year commitment
- Adults: $100 per trimester with a 1-year commitment
- Once a player purchases their own private instrument, a discount of $25 per trimester is offered; scholarships are available
- Click HERE for more information or contact Cathy Strabala at 720.470.7576 (voice or text) for answers and/or to enroll